Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 9 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

Because condensate from Clayton separator returns to the feedwater tank, the feedwater will be

concentrated and "cycled up" as in normal boiler water. In other words, the feedwater in the

feedwater tank will have the same composition as the coil water.

Therefore the blowdown rate is calculated with the following formula:

% Blowdown = C make-up water

(C Feedwater – C make-up water )

Where :

C Feed water = the measured TDS concentration in the feedwater tank C make-up water = the measured TDS concentration in the make-up water

- The blowdown system installed on the 2 Clayton in the new boiler house is automatic: the

valve opens every 2 hours during 4 minutes.

According to Nalco monthly water analysis since June 2010, average TDS concentration values are:

- Feed water =50 ppm

- Make up water = 1520 ppm

Therefore your average blowdown rate is 3.4 %

3.2 Optimization

According to the water treatment manual from Clayton, the following water conditions must be

maintained in the feedwater (boiler water) at all operating times:

• Zero hardness

• pH 10.5–11.5 (normal range), maximum of 12.5

• Oxygen free with an excess sulfite residual of 50–100 ppm

• Maximum TDS of 8,550 ppm (normal range 3,000-6,000)

• Maximum dissolved iron of 5 ppm

• Free of suspended solids

• Maximum silica of 120 ppm with the proper OH alkalinity

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