Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 6 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

2 Steam budget and summary of potential savings

The former boiler house (Energy Central 1) was equipped by meters for all energies (gas, water,

steam, condensate) and data were recorded in a global supervision system.

However the new boiler house (Energy Central 2) is not as well equipped. There are only 1 water

meter and 2 gas meters (one for each steam generator) but data is not regularly reported.

Therefore we cannot know your gas consumption for the last 12 months and we cannot calculate

your steam production for the previous year.

Nevertheless, based upon the utility figures during our visit on site in January 2011, we can


Boilers steam generation:

• Total yearly steam generation:

3472 MWh (4516 t/year)

• Steam cost:

38.4 €/MWh (29.5 €/t)

• Total yearly steam budget:

133 300 €/year

• Efficiency estimated:

86% (see calculation in appendix n°1)

Basic data considered:

• Gas unit costs :

25 €/MWh hhv

• Gas High Heating Value : 42.1 MJ/Nm³

• Electricity unit costs : 0.064 €/kWh

• Water costs :

o 0.35 €/m³ for city water

o 9000 €/year for Chemicals

o Total = 5 €/m³

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