Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 4 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

Executive summary


The energy audit conducted from January 17 th till January 20 th 2011 by Armstrong covers the 4 parts

of the steam loop: boiler house, steam distribution, steam consumption and condensate return.

GSK factory located at Aranda de Duero, in Spain, produces medicines as liquids, aerosols and


Steam is mainly used by:

- Coils to produce hot air for fluid bed dryers, coating machines (GLATT) and dehumidifier


- Heat exchangers for sanitization, hot water production, pure steam generation

- Double jackets for reactors heating

Steam is distributed at 7 barg from the new boiler house since one year. The former boiler house is

now stopped. All steam is distributed from the Eagle building to tunnel 2 area and tunnel 1 area.

Steam pressure is then locally reduced to 6, 4 or 2 barg.

Steam is produced by 2 steam generators (Clayton), gas-fired, with a capacity of 3 tons/hr.

The average steam production of the boiler house during the audit is estimated at 0,9 tons/hr. The

steam consumption was low due to the stop of activities in the Eagle Building.

As an indicator, if we use some figures recorded in the old boiler house 2 years ago, your average

steam consumption was about 2 tons/hr.

Our calculations based upon data collected during the audit show a current steam price of 29,5 €

per ton, and an annual steam budget estimated at 133 300 €.

The steam and condensate lines are generally correctly sized.

Insulation of steam ancillaries can be improved.

The steam distribution system is under trapped, especially in front of control valves, resulting in a

serious risk of steam leaks caused by corrosion, erosion and water hammering.

All Condensate that could be recovered is sent back to the boiler house using 3 pumping traps units.

Condensate return ratio was calculated to be 70% during the audit.

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