Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 35 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

9 Recommended complementary studies

9.1 Additional energy-saving optimisations

Flash steam recovery

We have observed a significant flash steam loss from the vent of condensate header-tunnel 2.

A part of it is probably due to the leaking traps.

Therefore when the failed traps are replaced, the losses should be lower.

We noticed during our visit that there is a heat exchanger installed on the vent line. A part of sanitary

hot water was used to condense flash steam. However this recovery does not work anymore as this

sanitary hot water loop is no longer used in the building. The valves are closed.

We could not get any data about this vent condenser during the audit (kW ?, water flow ?).

However, it could be interesting to use this equipment in the future if you can find a need of water

preheating in the same area.

We have estimated some potential savings :

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