Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 30 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

The first one is called the “anti-freezing” coil. It is used to pre-heat outside air to 20-30°C.

Often the control valve is a thermostatic one and it is not protected by a drain point upfront.

Therefore this valve may leak rapidly.

Besides, considering the low temperature setting, the steam load in the coil may be low and there

may not be enough pressure to push condensate in the return line. This condition leads to flooded

coils which decrease the heat efficiency and generate slight water hammers. (see appendix n°2 for

detailed explanation)

The second and third steam coils are used to heat the air to 75-85°C. Most of them are equipped

with an automatic ON/OFF valve upfront the control valve. This prevent from steam leaks. However,

we highly recommend installing a steam trap in front of control valves which are installed in “low

point” to prevent from water hammering.


The GLATT equipments installed in the Eagle building are also equipped with start-up steam traps.

This steam traps open only with a pressure differential less than 1.5 barg. It allows evacuating

condensate to the sewer when steam pressure is less than back-pressure.

We observed that finally the valves after these steam traps are closed because you lose too much

condensate to the sewer. To avoid this situation you could install a system to push condensate in

the return at any operating condition (see appendix n°2).

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