Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 28 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

Gas meters should at least be reported once per month. The best would be to connect meters to the

BMS system (same for water) and record values.

We also recommend you to check if the steam and condensate flowmeters used in the old boiler

house cannot be moved to the new steam production system.

7.2 Steam distribution

Missing condensate drain points

Poor drainage of steam lines will cause accumulation of condensate in the steam distribution

system, thus causing a serious safety hazard for water hammering.

Also on many locations there are no drip legs installed on steam lines in front of control valves. In

some situations there are several meters vertical steam line above a control valve, without a drain

point (especially for Munters feed). When these valves are in a closed position condensate will

accumulate in front of these control valves, and sub-cool. This sub-cooled condensate is aggressive

(low PH) and will cause corrosion of the valves and piping. Also there is a risk for thermo shock and

water hammering. Furthermore accumulated condensate will compromise steam quality and cause

early wear of piping and ancillaries due to erosion.

« Low point »

Steam line size between Eagle and Tunnel 1&2

We have checked the steam line size for the connection between Eagle and Tunnel 1&2.

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