Clayton Armstrong 2011-02-22 GSK Aranda SP - steam&condensat


Project N°30275

Date: 04/02/2011


Page 12 of 45

Established by E. Morin

To the attention of Ms. Beatriz Herrero-Gonzalo

4 Optimisation project n°2: Reduce flash steam losses from feedwater


4.1 Current situation

In the new boiler house, 7 barg saturated steam is produced by 2 Clayton generators.

The principle of steam production is the following:

Make-up water and return condensate are blend in the feedwater tank. Feedwater is pumped into

the heating coil, flowing through the spiral single passage section of the coil in a direction opposite

of the combustion gases, where it is rapidly heated to steam temperature. As the fluid leaves the

generator section, it passes through helically wound water wall section, into the separator nozzle in

the steam separator. The centrifugal force in the nozzle separates dry steam from excess water,

which returns to the lower section in the separator. Steam is delivered through the steam discharge

outlet located at the top of the steam separator. The excess water is returned to the feedwater

through the steam trap.

This system allows delivering 99% dry steam within a short time.

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