2000 Hook-up Book

Figure II-97 Hand Operated Rotary Filter

Figure II-98 Motorized Rotary Filter with Single Blowdown Valve

Electric Supply to Motor

Hand Operated Rotary Filter

Motorized Rotary Filter

Dirty Media

Filtered Media

Filtered Media

Dirty Media

Control of rotor and blowdown valve is made with user sup plied timers. The blowdown valve should stay open for approximately 10 seconds to purge filtered dirt and debris from reservoir pipe. Interval and duration of the rotor and blowdown valve will vary depending on the nature and quantity of the dirt and debris.

Reservoir Pipe

Hand Operated Blowdown Valve

Electric Supply to Motorized Valve


Full Port Quarter Turn Motorized Valve

Removed Solids

Removed Solids

Figure II-99 Control Panel Hook-up for One Valve Blowdown VRS-2 Rotary Filter System

Motor Wiring

Outlet Pressure Line

P 1

P 2

Inlet Pressure Line

Model VRS-2 Rotary Filter

Model VRS Control Panel

Main Power

Full Port Quarter Turn Motorized Valve

Reservoir Pipe

Valve Wiring

D.P. Switch

Removed Solids

The Control Panel with user adjustable timers controls interval and duration of the rotor and blow down valve operation. The blowdown valve opens for approximately 10

seconds to purge the reservoir pipe of filtered dirt and debris. The Control Panel is shown with optional cycle counter and differential pressure switch which will activate rotor opera

tion if excessive pressure drop occurs. This hook-up illustrates an automatic filtration system, providing continuous production flow with mini mal product loss.


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