2000 Hook-up Book

a Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer Spira-tec Loss Detector Float & Thermostatic Steam Trap Safety Valve with Drip Pan Elbow Blow through Separator Condensate Return Check Valve Check Valve

Figure II-57 Draining High Speed Paper Machine using Cascading or “Blow-through” Systems

Dryer Cans

HOOK-UP DIAGRAMS individual cylinders or banks of cylin ders. The blow-through steam may pass on to sections of the machine operating at lower pressures. The blowthrough separator is drained by an FT trap, unless the return is pres surized in which case a closed loop combination pressure powered pump/trap is required. Figure II-58 Draining High Speed Paper Machine using “Thermal-compressor” or Reused Steam Systems Paper Machines running at higher speeds in modern plants usually have a cascading or “blow-through” sys tem. Condensate is swept by the flow of blowthrough steam, up the dryer can dip pipe and into a manifold lead ing to a blowthrough separator. Control of the blowthrough steam may be at the separator outlet or on

a a aa

H.P. Steam

L.P. Steam

Thermal Compressor

Steam Trap Station

Thermo-Dynamic Steam Trap with Integral Strainer

Spira-tec Loss Detector

Dryer Cans


L.P. Steam

See Fig. II-58A for the preassembled Condensate Removal Module

Safety Valve with Drip Pan Elbow

Figure II-58A Condensate Removal Module High speed paper machines can be fitted with a preassembled module that incorporates the separator and condensate removal equipment.


Float & Thermostatic Steam Trap

Condensate Return

Modern paper machines also use “Thermal-compre sor” systems. Condensate is swept by the flow of blow-through steam up the dryer can dip pipe and into a manifold leading to a separator. The L.P. steam from the separator is then reused through an H.P. steam driven thermal compressor or by-passed. The separator is drained like Fig. II-57 or engineered systems package, Fig. II-58A.



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