R020932J1, Install Manual

Steam Generator & Fluid Heater Installation Manual

Table 2-2: Piping Recommendations



Steam Trap(s) Discharge

Steam trap(s) discharge piping should be Schedule 40 black steel. Pipe size should be the same as that of the separator trap(s) connection up to the first elbow. The pipe size must be increased one pipe size after the first elbow, and again after manifolding with additional units. It is preferable to have the trap return line installed so its entire run is kept below the hot-well tank connection (to assist in wet layup). If this is not possible, then the line must be sloped downward toward the receiver at a rate of 1/8 inch per foot. Schedule 40 black iron (See Section IV), local agencies/codes may require heavier pipe, and heavier fittings for oil lines. not cause harm to personnel or equipment. The discharge piping must not contain any valves or other obstruction that could in any way hinder the release of steam. A drip pan elbow with appropriate drains should be installed as shown in Figure 2-7. Installing a Back Pressure Regulator (BPR) on all installations is highly recommended by Clayton Industries. A BPR is required for all units sold with Auxiliary Pressure Control (APC), Master Lead-Lag, and automated startup controls. The BPR protects against drying-out and localized over- heating of the heating coil during large steam pressure changes.

Fuel (gas or oil)

Atomizing Air (oil only) Schedule 40 black iron (See Section IV) Safety Relief Valve Discharge Safety relief valves must discharge to atmosphere in a direction that will

Back Pressure Regulator

Figure 2-7 Safety Relief Valve Discharge




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