Fluid Flow
Panhandle A.
h~ = elevation at origin of line, ft Pavg- average line pressure, psia E = efficiency factor E = 1 for new pipe with no bends, fittings, or pipe diameter changes E - 0.95 for very good operating conditions, typically through first 12-18 months
Qb 435.87 X (520/14.7) 1~ X (4.026) 26182 - x l x
( 2 , 000 ) 2 _ ( 1 , 500 ) 2 _ 0 . 0375 X 0.6 X 100 X (1 , 762) 2 0.5394 560 x 0.835 (0.6) .8539 X 20 x 560 x .835
E = 0.92 for average operating conditions E - 0.85 for unfavorable operating conditions
Qb - 16,577 MCFD
Nomenclature for WeymouthEquation
Panhandle B.
Q = flow rate, MCFD Tb = base temperature, ~ Pb = base pressure, psia G = gas specific gravity (air = 1)
Qb 737 X (520/14.7) 1~176 - • (4.026) 2.53x 1 x
- - 000)2 (1,500)2 0.0375 x 0.6 x 100 x (1,762) 2 560 x 0.835 (0.6) "961X 20 X 560 X .835
L = line length, miles T = gas temperature, ~
Z = gas compressibi l i ty factor D = pipe inside diameter, in. E = efficiency factor. (See Panhandle nomenclature for suggested efficiency factors)
Qb - 17,498 MCFD
Q - 0 . 4 3 3 x ( 520 / 14 . 7 ) • [ (2 , 000) 2 - ( 1 , 5 0 0 ) 2 /
Sample Calculations
(0.6 x 20 x 560 x 0.835) ] 1/2 • (4 . 026) 2.667
Q - ? G - 0 . 6 T - 100~ L - 20 miles P 1 - 2,000psia P 2 - 1,500psia
Q - 11,101 MCFD
Pipecalc 2.0, Gulf Publ ishing Company, Houston, Texas. Note: Pipecalc 2.0 will calculate the compressibil- ity factor, minimum pipe ID, upstream pressure, down- stream pressure, and flow rate for Panhandle A, Panhandle B, Weymouth, AGA, and Colebrook-Whi te equations. The flow rates calculated in the above sample calculations will differ slightly from those calculated with Pipecalc 2.0 since the viscosity used in the examples was extracted from Reference 2. Pipecalc uses the Dranchuk et al. method for calculating gas compressibility.
Elev diff. - 100 ft
D - 4.026-in. Tb -- 60~ Pb -- 14.7 psia E - 1.0 Pavg- 2/3(2,000 + 1,500 - (2,000 x 1,500/2,000 + 1,500)) = 1,762 psia
Z at 1,762psia and 100~ - 0.835.
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