Clayton Industries case history
Clayton Multiple Steam Generator Applications
By using steam raising technology for the 21st Century, multiple Clayton Steam Generators are undoubtedly the best way to deliver large quantities of steam. This guarantees high steam quality, inherent safety, quick start-up, rapid response, fuel efficiency, flexibility and controllability. The design of the Clayton Steam Generator is very different from the traditional firetube (or drum type) steam boiler. In a firetube boiler a large mass of hot water is stored under pressure and steam is produced by means of natural circulation. circulation of water through a helical coil. Only a small amount of water is contained inside the coil and the steam output can be rapidly adjusted by passing more or less water through the coil as required and simultaneously adjusting the heat input. Because of the method of steam production in a Clayton Steam Generator it is also much smaller in size than the traditional firetube design By comparison, the Clayton Steam Generator uses the forced
A large number of significant advantages result from using this principle of steam production. Firstly, the start-up time is extremely rapid. Because the amount of water being heated is only the amount required to make steam (plus a small excess) the start up time is only five minutes from cold on standard pressure models. Hand-in-hand with the rapid start- up comes extremely rapid response to changes in the demand for steam.
The range of Clayton Steam Generators has been developed over the past 75 years and it is now no longer necessary to use the firetube design of boiler where large quantities of steam are required. By using multiple Clayton Steam Generators high steam outputs can be achieved and the flexibility that comes from the high level of automation means that this concept is ideal for many large steam using applications. Clayton Steam Generators are used in all industries where steam in required including petrochemical plants, power stations, manufacturing plants and many more. Were a reliable source of steam is required the Clayton Steam Generator has been proven to be unbeatable.
However, one of the main advantages of
using a Clayton Steam Generator is that is not possible to have a steam explosion with this design. This is a significant safety advantage since the risk of a steam explosion is completely eliminated.
A Clayton Steam Generator (left) that has Twice the Output of the Firetube Boiler Alongside.
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