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The Clayton Advantage In Boiler Efficiency The Clayton Steam Generator has been designed to provide high quality, dry steam, rapidly and efficiently. The exclusive controlled circulation and counter-flow heat exchanger design is the heart of the Clayton Steam Generator. The Clayton design offers substantial fuel savings and size/weight advantages. Sizes range from 25 to 1000 bhp with design pressures up to 3000 psig . The Clayton design is inherently safe, with no pos- sibility of a hazardous steam explosion and a flawless safety record. The unique design of the Clayton Steam Generator offers significant efficiency advantages over conven- tional firetube boilers. A recent major university study concluded that by applying realistic assumptions and measuring the true fuel-to-steam efficiency of the whole boiler system, a Clayton Steam Generator av- erages 5.8% higher efficiency than conventional fire- tube boilers. In addition, the efficiency advantage of a steam generator increases above these amounts if steam demand fluctuates.

Clayton Advantage #1: Unique Heat Exchanger

Clayton Advantage #3: Lower Surface Area

The unique Clayton heat exchanger results in the highest thermal efficiency of any boiler. The boiler feedwater runs counter to the exhaust gases result- ing in optimum heat transfer. The heat exchanger coil design and spacing ensure turbulent flow of the exhaust gases across the coil, thus facilitating good heat trans-fer rates. The Clayton heat exchanger relies on controlled, forced, circulation, as opposed to natural circulation in conventional firetube boilers. The spiral spring coil design allows rapid start-up

The external surface of an operating steam boiler is hotter than its sur- roundings and therefore loses heat by both radiation and convection. The losses represent heat radiating from the boiler and heat loss due to air flowing across the boiler. Low exterior surface area means low area for con- vection and radiant heat loss. Due to

the size of conventional firetube boilers, radiation and convection losses from the boiler to the boiler room will normally run 1.4% to 1.6%. These same losses on a Clayton Steam generator, with much lower surface area, will run less than 0.75%. A Clayton Steam generator is also highly efficient in it’s use of space. Space is at a premium in most installations: either for existing or new construction. Clayton is the ideal solution the these space considerations. Our small footprint, typically 1/4th to 1/3rd of a firetube, means that our Steam Generator can be placed in an existing facility without the need for new construction. Even two units for twice the steam capacity, will fit in the space required for one firetube boiler. For new facilities, construction costs can be reduced significantly with the use of a Clayton Steam Generator.


Upper System


Center System

100% Lower System

Varying tube spacing ensures high velocity

Staggered tube spacing creates turbulent gas flow

Clayton Advantage #2: Reduced Blowdown

Clayton Advantage #4: High Quality Steam

Dissolved solids are introduced into every steam system and must be controlled to acceptable levels. This is accomplished by blowing down quantities of boiler water in order to remove some of the solids. While necessary, blowdown is inefficient since it not only removes water already heated to saturation, but also feedwater chemi- cals. The blowdown rates in a Clayton Steam generator are typically 1/8th to 1/10th the amount of blowdown in a conventional boiler and result in a 1% higher efficiency for the Clayton.

Clayton’s method of producing steam includes a steam separator that provides significantly higher quality steam than conventional boilers. Our steam quality is 99.5% or better in most instances. High- er quality steam means higher energy. A pound of steam typically contains 3 to 5 times the amount of heat than in a pound of water at the same tempera- ture and that heat is more easily recovered in your process. The steam quality from a Clayton Steam Generator is typically 1% or more higher than from a conventional boiler resulting in higher efficiency.

The Clayton Advantage In Boiler Efficiency

Clayton Advantage #5: Rapid Start-up

Clayton Advantage #5: Integrated Stack Economizer

Clayton Steam Generators provide very rapid start-up. Typically, from 5 to 15 minutes, de- pending upon the size of the unit. This is a result of the low water content. typically, about 1/10th of the content of most conventional boilers of the same size. This rapid start-up ability results in reduced fuel and labor costs. Many operators of conventional boilers keep a boiler in a warm state during periods of non-use just so that it will be available quickly when needed. Since this is not necessary with a Clayton Steam generator, the fuel that would otherwise be used during that

Flue gases from boilers are typically 400- 600°F and a stack economizer can be used to recover this otherwise lost heat. A stack economizer is a water-to-air heat exchang- er that is designed to use heat from hot boiler gases to preheat water. The water is most often used for boiler make-up water or some other need that coincides with the boiler operation. Stack economizers typically increase the overall efficiency of a steam system by approximately 4%. Stack economizers are generally supplied by third-party manufacturers and are shipped loose for installation in the stack. A Clay- ton Super Economizer (SE) is integrated into the steam generator system, mounted

stand-by time is saved. The fuel consumed during the start-up period is also re- duced because of the reduced time for start-up. Reduced start-up time can also result in reduced labor cost since it may not be necessary to bring an employee into the plant, earlier than otherwise needed, just to start-up the boiler.

and tested at the factory and arrives at your site ready to be installed as part of the Steam Generator. Clayton stack economizers are not only economical to purchase without additional installation cost, but they offer quick pay-back on investment. A conventional firetube boiler is a parallel heat exchanger and therefore the stack temperature will be higher than the temperature of the steam produced. A Clayton Steam Generator is a counterflow heat exchanger and the stack temperature can be below the temperature of the steam being produced. The stack temperature, a good measure of efficiency, of a Clayton Steam Generator equipped with a Super Economizer will, typically, be 80-100°F below the temperature of the steam being produced. Whereas, the typical 5 square feet of heating surface per boiler horse- power (3 or 4 pass) firetube boiler will have a stack temperature 90-100°F above the temperature of the steam produced.

Clayton Advantage #6: Flat Efficiency Curve

A Clayton Steam Generator’s controlled circulation and counterflow heat ex- changer design, alone, typically accounts for a minimum of a 5% improvement in fuel efficiency over conventional firetube boilers. Boilers have a certain efficiency curve that tends to result in the boiler having the highest efficiency at full-fire. As a conventional boiler is ‘turned-down’ to run at less than 100% capacity, effi- ciency typically drops. A Clayton Steam Generator, with it’s controlled circulation operates with essentially a flat efficiency across all firing rates. A Clayton Steam Generator maintains it’s peak efficiency are all firing rates and with it’s ability to follow load swings and respond quickly to load changes, there is never any sacri- fice in efficiency. Keeping in mind that most industrial boilers installed today are oversized for the current steam demand, significant savings can be achieved with Clayton Steam Generators.

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Advanced Steam Boiler Technology that is Safe, Efficient and Reliable


1. FUEL EFFICIENT: The Clayton design produces higher fuel-to-steam efficiency, even when operated lower than the full firing rate. 2. COMPACT SIZE: Clayton Steam Generators require only 1/3 the floor space of traditional boilers. 3. FAST START-UP: The Clayton Steam Generator can go from cold to full steam in less than 10 minutes. 4. QUALITY STEAM: The fixed-vane steam separator yields the driest saturated steam available in the industry today— typically less then 0.5% at all loads. 5. REDUCED BLOWDOWN: The Clayton design requires 1/10 the amount of blowdown—saving fuel, water and chemicals. 6. SAFE: The unique Clayton design is inherently safe with no possibility of a hazardous steam explosion. 7. PACKAGED SYSTEMS: Clayton Steam Generators are available as complete skidded systems with all components shipped on the skid, pre-wired and pre-plumbed for easy installation. Skidded systems can include the steam generator, feedwater pump, feedwater tanks, water treatment tank and blowdown tank. 8. SINGLE SOURCE: Clayton Industries designs, manufactures and supplies complete systems, including hotwells, deaerators, blowdown tanks, water softeners and our own range of feedwater chemicals that are specially formulated for the Clayton Steam Generator. We also offer 24/7 support from our factory service technicians. 9. LOW EMISSIONS: Clayton offers ultra low NOx, low CO burners, as well as flue gas recirculation systems that meet strict air quality standards throughout the country. 10. FACTORY DIRECT: Clayton provides factory-direct sales and service with branch offices located in major metropolitan areas.


Clayton Industries, Inc. 17477 Hurley Street n City of Industry, CA 91744 Tel: (800) 423-4585 n Fax: (626) 435-0180 Email: n




Clayton Industries’ PLC-based steam systems incorporate the latest technology in boiler controls and provide instant touch access to operating control and information.

• INCREASED MACHINE RELIABILITY: Solid state technology eliminate the need for mechanical relays and timers. • DIRECT COMMUNICATION: Enables boiler room and plant control system linking. • MULTI-UNIT CONTROLS: Allows for control sequencing in a multi-unit installation. • MODBUS, ETHERNET/IP, AND BACNET PROTOCOL COMPATIBILITY • 10 inch touchscreen upgrade option available for most machines


COMPUSTEAM PLC – I, II, and III Clayton Compusteam PLC Control Systems, which are standard on all modulating models, are available in three basic levels, I, II, & III, with a variety of options for expanding the capabilities beyond the basic systems. When operating, the PLC systems provide increased reliability. Operating parameters are readily available, on the Operator Interface Unit (OIU) displays and for remote data acquisition and control purposes. PLC interface capability also lends itself to improved communications between the Steam Generator controls and total plant monitoring systems. PLC based controls also provide enhanced control for multiple unit installations.

LEVEL I FUNCTIONS: Firing Rate, Steam Pressure, Pressure Set Points, Run Hours, Coil Tube Temperature LEVEL II FUNCTIONS: All Level I functions plus: Exhaust Gas Temperature, Feedwater Supply Pressure and Temperature LEVEL III FUNCTIONS: All Level II functions plus: Steam and Gas Flow Metering

OPTIONAL FEATURES: • Remote Start/Stop

• Remote Pressure Set Point • Ethernet Communications • MODBUS/BACnet • Automatic Start/Stop Sequencing of Multi-unit Installations

WORLD HEADQUARTERS 17477 Hurley Street City of Industry, CA 91744 TEL: 800-423-4585 FAX: 626-435-0180 Email:

CANADA Clayton Sales & Service

LATIN AMERICA Clayton de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Manuel L. Stampa 54 Nueva Industrial Vallejo Mexico D.F., 07700, Mexico TEL: +52 (55) 5586 5100 Email:

ASIA PACIFIC/AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND Clayton Asia Pacific P.O. Box 620 Mt. Ommaney, Qld 4074, Australia TEL: +61-447 344 708 Email:

EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA Clayton of Belgium NV Rijksweg 30

910 Roundtree Dairy Rd., Unit 32 Vaughan, ONT, Canada L4L-5W6 TEL: 905-791-3322 FAX: 905-790-0583 Email: 2880 Bornem, Belgium TEL: +32 (0)3 890 57 00 FAX: +32 (0)3 890 57 01 Email: WORLD LEADER IN PRECISION STEAM GENERATORS, FLUID HEATERS, HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS, AND CUSTOMER SERVICE

Master Lead/ Lag System

The Clayton Master Lead/Lag System provides exceptional operating flexibility to precisely meet your steam load profile—both efficiently and effectively—while providing an unparalleled level of modulating control over your steam system. Its user-friendly interface allows the operator to select boiler sequence and firing rate using one of three methods: Standard, Parallel or Tandem Operation . With the Clayton Master Lead/Lag system, you can easily adjust various parameters, allowing optimal control of multiple boilers to effectively meet your specific steam load profile.

Multiple and modular boiler installations have become increasingly popular as a way to increase fuel efficiency, expand boiler turndown and reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions. Automating their operation is essential to achieving the full benefits of these boiler systems.



Each steam generator fires on or off sequentially to meet steam demand.










Steam Generator 1

Steam Generator 2

Steam Generator 3



All steam generators run simultaneously to meet steam requirements.









Steam Generator 2

Steam Generator 3

Steam Generator 1












Steam Generator 1

Steam Generator 2

Steam Generator 3

In this operation, the lead steam generator modulates up to a desired level. This example shows a 90% firing rate. If steam demand increases beyond this threshold, the next steam generator will fire up to assist with steam output. The two steam generators synchronize and modulate together, increasing in unison as steam demand rises. Should steam production again be required beyond the predetermined level, the third steam generator will fire to further support the increased demand for steam production. All three steam generators will synchronize, modulating in unison. Clayton Industries will guide you in the implementation of your Master Lead/Lag System’s advanced operational control to help you determine the best operating approach for your plant’s requirements, enhancing the operating capabilities of your steam system and increasing its efficiency.

(800) 423-4585 17477 Hurley Street City of Industry, CA, USA 91744 Fax: (626) 435-0180

Advanced Low NOx Technology Since 1930, Clayton has been a leader in the development and manufacture of innovative and highly efficient Steam Generators. Backed by worldwide sales and service, our unique Steam Generators have proven the superiority and ability to provide reliable, cost effective steam production around the world. Working from proven designs and philosophies, our commitment to continuing research and development has made Clayton one of the most respected names in the boiler industry. In keeping with this strong background we are pleased to intro- duce our latest product line of very Low NOx - Low CO Steam Generators. These unique combustion systems provide extremely low emissions without sacrificing efficiency and reliability. Clayton’s clean emissions technol- ogy is “ not just a step ahead, but A STEP BEYOND .”

Clayton Steam Generators:

• SAVE FUEL The unique counter flow design provides higher fuel-to- steam efficiency than traditional boilers. • ARE SAFE FOR PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Inherently safe, the Clayton design eliminates hazardous steam explosions. • PROVIDE RAPID RESPONSE The Clayton design responds rapidly to sudden or fluctuating load demands. • START FAST The Clayton design will provide full output from a cold start within fifteen minutes, without thermal stress. • ARE COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHT The Clayton design typically occupies one-third of the floor space and weighs 75% less than a traditional boiler. • ENSURES HIGH QUALITY STEAM Clayton provides a 99.5% quality separator to minimize moisture in the steam. • OFFERS ADVANCED CONTROLS PLC controls, Variable Speed Drives and a linkage- less servo controlled burner management system are standard. • INCLUDES OUTSTANDING SUPPORT Every Steam Generator is backed by Clayton factory direct sales and service plus full service feedwater treatment.

E204 200 BHP Steam Generator

Ultra Low NOx Burner

Clayton’s Low NOx - Low CO Fiber Metal Burner (FMB) system achieves low emissions through a combination of technologies including improved fuel and air mixing, ultra lean flame design and a low flame residence time. The fiber metal allows for a very short flame length which results in ultra low NOx emissions. The system consists of a high pressure combustion air blower, fuel/air premix- ing chamber, modulating air/fuel damp- er, premix plenum, fiber metal burner manifold and an advanced micro-ratio adjustable fuel flow control system. Air and gas are thoroughly mixed in the premix chamber and air/fuel damper- and then introduced into the combus- tion chamber via the premix plenum and burner manifold. The system is automatically controlled and is capable of a nominal 4:1 turn- down ratio. The Clayton low emissions fiber metal burner is available for use on natural gas and propane gas only in sizes from 50 BHP to 750 BHP. Typical emissions are 9 ppm NOx and 50 ppm CO, or lower, corrected to 3% O2.

Clayton Industries, 17477 Hurley St., City of Industry, CA 91744 ,Tel: 800-423-4585, Fax: 626-435-0180 Email:, Web:

Flue Gas Recirculation

Clayton’s Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) system is an effective method for re- ducing the NOx levels in flue gas emis- sions. Two primary factors contribute to the production of NOx when fuel is burned, combustion temperature and oxygen. By recirculating a portion of the flue gas into the combustion cham- ber, the combustion temperature and oxygen levels are effectively reduced - by as much as 60%. The flue gas is drawn from the ex- haust stack into the forced draft blower through an induction process that uses air velocity to create a vacuum. The vacuum changes in proportion to the combustion air rate change, causing a self regulating effect on the FGR rate, relative to the combustion air rate. Ef- fective NOx reduction typically requires 15-20% flue gas recirculation. The system is automatically controlled and is capable of a nominal 4:1 turn- down ratio. The Clayton flue gas recirculation sys- tem is available for use on natural gas, propane gas and #2 fuel oil in sizes from 150 BHP to 750 BHP. Typical emissions on gas are below 30 ppm NOx and 100 ppm CO. Typical emissions on #2 fuel oil are below 90 ppm NOx and 400 ppm CO. Both cor- rected to 3% O2

Clayton Industries, 17477 Hurley St., City of Industry, CA 91744 ,Tel: 800-423-4585, Fax: 626-435-0180 Email:, Web:

Your Single Source For SteamTechnology Since 1930

Industry has turned to Clayton Steam Generators time and again over the decades, simply because they do so many things so well. From single unit packaged skids to complex multi-unit installations plus heat recovery in CHP projects, Clayton Steam Generators supply premium steam as a vital ingredient in your process, boosting in-plant efficiency, lowering costs and economizing on fuel.

Clayton Steam Generators, setting world standards since 1930 for operating efficiency, fuel savings and safety, are backed by extraordinary customer service. Factory direct service technicians provide start-up and training plus preventative maintenance programs tailored to fit your company’s needs. In addition, Clayton offers a complete line of Coil Guard water treatment chemicals supported by a dedicated chemical service group. w w.cla

G-1035 8/07

New subhead to come

Your S i ng l e Wor l dwi de Source For St eam Techno l ogy



The Inside Story on Advanced Steam Technology...

Increasing the Productivity of Steam Making steam is not difficult.

transfer. A pump continuously supplies feed water to a helical coil heat exchanger, which transfers its heat to the water. The flow of feedwater is counter to the flow of combustion gases, an engineering principle that contributes to high fuel-to-steam efficiency. Water leaving the heat exchanger passes through a mechanical separator where the liquid and vapor are separated. Steam exits the separator to the steam header. The principles of Controlled Circulation and Counterflow and the resultant low water content result in many of the advantages provided by Clayton Steam Generators. Making steam is simple. Making steam with maximum efficiency is Clayton’s specialty.

In a manufacturing environment, however, the challenge lies in harnessing the energy of steam in a manner that makes it available quickly, cost- effectively and safely. This is where Clayton Industries excels. The design of conventional boilers has changed little since the 19th Century. In simplistic terms, water in a vessel or tube is heated by surrounding hot gases. After sufficient heating, the resultant steam is discharged. All Clayton steam generators and waste heat boilers employ more sophisticated principles: Controlled Circulation and Counterflow heat

Spiral Spring Coil Construction allows rapid start-up without thermal stress.

Exclusive Counterflow Controlled Circulation Technology


Performing With Drill Team Precision Each component of a Clayton steam generator is designed for optimal utility. The result is a remarkably efficient unit that functions as smoothly and precisely as a drill team. A heavy- duty positive displacement diaphragm pump provides precise water control.

A feedwater cooled combustion chamber extracts radiant energy and maintains a cool outer shell. The third critical component in a Clayton steam generator is a fixed-vane separator that yields the driest saturated steam available. Exceptional water separation is achieved at all steam production rates when high velocities of steam and water pass through the separator nozzle. A steam trap diverts excess water to a feedwater receiver where it is used to preheat feedwater. Other components include a burner and blower assembly that assure complete combustion and delivery of maximum heat to the coil.

Superbly engineered and ruggedly constructed, a Clayton pump is pack-less and seal-less: features that contribute to its remarkable dependability. A single high-grade carbon steel continuous- coil heat exchanger employs a staggered configuration and spacing of coil sections to help ensure turbulent and high velocity gas flows that facilitate high rates of heat transfer.

Steam Separator

Staggered tube spacing creates turbulent gas flow


Upper System

Clayton Pump


Center System


Lower System

Varying tube spacing ensures high gas velocity

A Single Source Satisfies


Efficiency by Design

Fuel Efficient, Quality Steam, Low Blowdown

The Clayton focus on innovation in steam generation technology pays off for users in an abundance of very practical ways … benefits that translate into improved performance on the production or processing line, and in measurable cost savings as well. As a result of unique design and easily proven operational advantages, Clayton steam generators are noted for fuel efficiency, rapid start-ups, compact size and reduced weight, delivery of high quality steam, safety, and fuel burning versatility. Clayton generators run on

natural gas, light oil, heavy oil, propane, bio-gas, hydrogen, or combinations of these fuels. Another benefit of innovative design: reduced blowdown. The amount of water removed from the system to maintain an acceptable level of total dissolved solids (TDS) is greatly reduced compared to conventional boilers. This results in significant savings in fuel, water and chemicals – savings in blowdown are typically 90% or greater! Clayton delivers efficiency by design. Wide Range of Sizes, Uses Clayton steam generators and fluid heaters are available in 15 sizes, ranging from 10 to 700 Boiler Horsepower (BHP), 100 to 6800 KW and producing from 345 to 24,150 pounds of high quality steam per hour. Steam design pressures range up to 3,000 psig. Clayton Superheat Units deliver superheated steam and are also available in a variety of sizes, and for a range of steam pressures and temperatures. Clayton equipment provides steam for many purposes, including processing, building heating and equipment cleaning.

Beijing CCTV Installation.

Typical Efficiency vs Firing Rate, Gas Fired


Clayton Model SE


Standard Clayton

Typical Conventional Boiler

Firing Thermal Efficiency % 60




Firing Rate %


Start Fast, Finish Strong

Fast Start, Rapid Response

Efficiency is proven on the factory floor. Among the operating features of Clayton steam generators that are valued most by industrial customers are quick starts and rapid response to changing load demands. Where conventional boilers require extended start-ups, a Clayton steam generator can be brought to a full head of steam in as little as five minutes. The quick start and response capabilities result primarily from the low water content, forced circulation and helical coil design. What’s more, corporations worldwide frequently

favor multiple Clayton generators over a single, high capacity conventional boiler. Why? Because Clayton units, with their small “footprints,” can be added to a production line with minimal disruption. Steam remains available when a single unit is down for maintenance or repair. Best of all, fluctuating loads are not a problem. A single Clayton generator can be fired to meet low demand, and others brought on line rapidly as steam requirements increase. Clayton steam generators are conclusive proof that time saved is fuel saved and time and fuel cost money.

A 300 BHP Steam Generator.

A 600 BHP Steam Generator in a U.S. Cosmetics Plant.

A Single Source Satisfies


Preventing Problems Boosts Efficiency

Scale and Soot Control

Clayton recognizes that controlling familiar steam production problems contributes to production or processing line efficiency. That’s why a Clayton steam generator has features designed to inhibit the build-up of scale and soot. Because scale and soot act as insulators that inhibit heat transfer, both result in wasted fuel. One-sixteenth of an inch of scale requires 15% more fuel; 1/32 of an inch of soot requires 12%

more. Thicker build-ups affect fuel consumption more drastically. Further, a Clayton steam generator provides an automatic indication of scale build-up: an increase in feed pump pressure. When a pressure increase is noted, the operator can take immediate corrective action. In addition, Clayton offers an optional built-in steam soot-blower that permits fast, easy cleaning of the heating surface.

Two 100 BHP steam generators mounted on a single skid with the feedwater components operating in a U.S. candy manufacturing plant.

Three 600 BHP and one 300 BHP steam generators in a midwestern utility plant.


Consider the Advantages of Small

Low Weight/Space, Safety

“Good things come in small packages,” right? And if proof is ever needed, it’s as close as the nearest Clayton steam generator. Because every Clayton unit, from smallest to largest, incorporates counterflow and controlled circulation design, they occupy considerably less floor space than conventional boilers of equal capacity. Additionally, a Clayton steam generator is considerably lighter than its conventional counterpart. The weight difference can be as much as 75%.

The economic advantages to the user are apparent. Clayton steam generators can be installed more quickly. Their small footprint requires less space on the plant floor or utility room. Another advantage: The Clayton design provides unparalleled safety. There has never been, nor can there be, a steam explosion of a Clayton steam generator. Clayton steam generators: Smaller size. Bigger results.

Three 250 BHP, 450 psig, steam generators in a steel vacuum de-gassing application.

100 BHP SigmaFire packaged boiler room.

A Single Source Satisfies


Heat Recovery Delivers Additional Cost Benefits In a great many applications, heat is a necessity. In any application, wasted heat is wasted money. That’s why Clayton offers a complete line of heat recovery systems used worldwide in marine, industrial and power plant operations.

company’s standard steam generators, employ the proven Counterflow and Controlled Circulation heat exchanger concept. They are equally simple, durable and reliable. Co-generation makes extensive use of this Clayton technology. Here EGB systems recover heat from reciprocating engines and put it to work meeting a factory’s processing or production needs. Recovering heat for productive purposes: another Clayton specialty.

Recovering heat from engines, turbines, ovens and furnaces, Clayton Waste Heat Steam Generators (WHSGs) and Exhaust Gas Boilers (EGBs) work with input temperatures as low as 480°F (250°C), and as high as 3,500°F (1,925°C). Available in a variety of steam/water flow configurations, WHSGs and EGBs, like the

Exhaust Gas Boiler

Exhaust gas and waste heat boilers use the same proven design as the fired steam generators.


Among the Reasons A Single Source Satisfies A single source satisfies in a multitude of ways. Among the variety of creatively designed products and responsive services designed to meet the special needs of industry:

• Rental skid-mounted steam generation systems configured to meet emergency or temporary steam requirements. This popular program includes packages from 30 to 300 BHP. • Compusteam PLC Control Systems for automated steam generator control, standard on many models. This system offers numerous advantages, including a simplified panel, improved steam pressure management, and compatibility with remote monitoring and plant control systems. • Feedwater analysis and treatment that prolongs equipment life and helps assure optimal steam production. Specially trained Clayton personnel can recommend a program customized to meet your requirements and arrange delivery of the only chemicals compounded specifically for Clayton steam generators.

• SigmaFire™, a line of steam generators in the 10 to 200 boiler horsepower range (100 to 1,940 KW). SigmaFire steam generators use proven Clayton design features in small, light, quiet-running modular units that are quickly and easily installed. • Emissions control units designed to meet whatever your emissions restrictions may be. These optional systems can reduce NOx levels to as low as 9 ppmv and CO to 50, depending on the particular generator and the emission control system chosen. • Fluid heaters that produce steam in a manner that frequently eliminates the need for licensed boiler operators, that may be required by the operation of conventional boilers.

Fiber Metal Low NOx Burner

Operator Interface Unit

A Single Source Satisfies


You’re Covered by Clayton Service Every Step of the Way Need help? We’ll be right there. Wherever “there” may be.

Further, Clayton’s Chemical Division offers analysis and treatment of feed-water, essential for maximizing steam production and prolonging equipment life. You’ll receive a scientifically prepared optimal treatment program, and Coilguard chemicals formulated specifically for Clayton steam generators. You’re covered in emergencies, too, with rental generators available in the United States, Mexico and Western Europe. Often you can have steam on-line within hours after a unit arrives on site. Around the world and around the clock, Clayton service is happy to help.

Clayton delivers factory-direct service throughout North America, Mexico and most of Western Europe, and assistance is available in many other parts of the world through an extensive network of distributors. Clayton service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. As a customer you’ll gain the benefits of service that continues through installation, training and start-up. Want supplemental training for your operators? That’s available, too. Preventive maintenance contracts that help keep your equipment operating at peak efficiency can be tailored to your specific needs.

Clayton’s friendly customer service is available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

Clayton also supplies a complete line of boiler feedwater treatment chemicals.


Serving Major Industries Since 1930 Clayton steam generators have met the needs of a multitude of industries and facilities around the world, including: • Aerospace

• Animal Feed • Automotive • Beverage • Chemical • Construction • Dairy

Two 300 BHP steam generators in a Romanian soap plant.

• Food Processing • Hospitals/Hotels • Marine & Offshore • Mining • Paper • Petroleum • Pharmaceutical • Power Generation Plants • Rubber • Steel • Textile • Tobacco • Wire & Cable • General Manufacturing

Three 350 BHP steam generators in a Spanish pharmaceutical plant.

A 250 BHP steam generator in a U.S. food manufacturing plant.

A Single Source Satisfies


We’re Here to Help

Call on us for individualized applications engineering help based on the experience we’ve gained since 1930. Visit our Web site for informative technical specifications:

New subhead to come

AROUND THE GLOBE: A Single Source Satisfies

World Headquarters 17477 Hurley Street City of Industry, CA 91744-5106 800.423.4585 tel • 626.435.0180 fax email:

Europe, Africa & Middle East Headquarters

Latin America Headquarters Manuel L. Stampa 54 • Nueva Industrial Vallejo Mexico D.F., 07700 Mexico Toll Free: 01.800.888.4422 • (55) tel (55) fax • email:

Rijksweg 30 • B-2880 Bornem, Belgium 32.3.890.5700 tel • 32.3.890.5701 fax email:


Clayton Deutschland GmbH

Clayton Scandinavia A.S. Clayton Nederland B.V.

Clayton de France S.A.R.L. Clayton Sales & Service Canada

Clayton Thermal Products Ltd (UK)

World Leaders in Precision Steam Generators, Fluid Heaters, Heat Recovery Systems and Customer Service

Printed in U.S.A. G-2006

Specifications Advanced Steam Boiler Technology that is Safe, Efficient and Reliable

S A V E S F U E L * S A V E S S P A C E * S A V E S T I M E * S A V E S M O N E Y



 COMPACT SIZE Clayton steam generators will normally fit in any available area while also reducing construction costs on new building installations.  FUEL EFFICIENT High efficiency which is inherent with the clayton design translates into lower operating costs and improved overall system operation  RESPONSIVE Very rapid response to changing steam loads. Clayton steam generator will automatically modulate to match your steam load profile while maintaining system steam pressure  SAFE Our once through design eliminates the possibility of a steam or water side explosion. The Clayton steam generator is simply the safest steam boiler on the market.  LESS WATER WASTE Clayton’s design concentrates TDS blow down significantly which reduces wasted fuel, water and chemical costs.  FAST START Full steam pressure and output in minutes from a cold start- up saves fuel and labor cost over conventional designs. Eliminates wasted fuel from idling.  AUTOMATIC Operation is automatically controlled and the Clayton steam generator can be started from a single switch or remotely using an automatic start option.  LOW WEIGHT The relatively light weight means that all sizes of Clayton steam generators can be easily moved and installed even in areas with limited structural support.  RELIABLE Reliability of the Clayton steam generator is field proven and unsurpassed. This results in greatly reduced mainte- nance and attendance.  HIGH QUALITY STEAM Steam Quality in excess of 99.5% dry is assured at all times. This is the highest steam quality of any competitive design. Less water and impurities further increase your energy effi- ciency .



MODEL SF35-SE with Super Economizer


MODEL SF25-SE with Super Economizer

836,875 1,020,579 1,008,283 Standard 25


836,875 25 984,559 973,110



1,411,596 1,428,811 1,171,625

1,362,355 1,378,382 1,171,625

Oil Gas

NET HEAT OUTPUT, BTU/hr EQUIVALENT OUTPUT (from and at 212°F feedwater and 0 PSIG steam) DESIGN PRESSURE (see note 1) STEAM OPERATING PRESSURE (determined by design pressure) OIL CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 2) GAS CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 3) BURNER CONTROLS EFFICIENCY oil-fired efficiency % gas-fired efficiency % ELECTRIC MOTORS, HP (see note 4) ELECTRIC FLA, based on 460 V (see note 5) design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig GAS SUPPLY PRESSURE REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY REQUIRED HEATING SURFACE EXHAUST STACK CONNECTION, o.d. APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIMENSIONS length width height WEIGHT installed - wet shipping design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 863 lbs/hr

1,208 lbs/hr 15 - 500 psig 13 - 450 psig

863 lbs/hr 15 - 500 psig 13 - 450 psig

1,208 lbs/hr 15 - 500 psig 13 - 450 psig

7.2 gph

6.9 gph

10.0 gph

9.7 gph

1,021 cfh

985 cfh 100% / 50% / Off

1,429 cfh

1,378 cfh

100% / 50% / Off

100% / 50% / Off

100% / 50% / Off

86% 85%

82% 83%

83% 82%

86% 85%

Pump Blower

Pump Blower

Pump Blower



2 2


2 2


3 3


3 3






9.0 10




118.6 sq.ft. 8 in. 135 gph 10 2 psig



2 psig

2 psig

2 psig

88.7 sq.ft. 135 gph 8 in.

189 gph 118.6 sq.ft.

189 gph 148.5 sq.ft.

10 in.

10 in.

71 in. 56 in. 58 in.

83 in. 56 in. 58 in.

58 in. 56 in. 83 in.

58 in. 56 in. 94 in.

2,012 lbs 1,920 lbs

2,187 lbs 2,070 lbs

2,187 lbs 2,070 lbs

2,362 lbs 2,220 lbs

1) Design pressures are available up to 3000 psig. Consult factory for details. 2) Based on No. 2 fuel oil with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 140,600 BTU/Gal. 3) Based on Natural Gas with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 1,000 BTU/Ft.³ 4) Oil fired units also use a separate motor driven fuel oil pump - 1/2 HP

5) Continuous running. For 575 V multiply by 0.8; for 380 V multiply by 1.1; for 230 V multiply by 2.0; for 208 V multiply by 2.2. The description and specifications shown were in effect at the time this publication was approved for printing. Clayton Industries, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models, or change specifications or design, without notice.


Specifications Advanced Steam Boiler Technology that is Safe, Efficient and Reliable

S A V E S F U E L * S A V E S S P A C E * S A V E S T I M E * S A V E S M O N E Y



 COMPACT SIZE Clayton steam generators will normally fit in any available area while also reducing construction costs on new building installations.  FUEL EFFICIENT High efficiency which is inherent with the clayton design translates into lower operating costs and improved overall system operation  RESPONSIVE Very rapid response to changing steam loads. Clayton steam generator will automatically modulate to match your steam load profile while maintaining system steam pressure  SAFE Our once through design eliminates the possibility of a steam or water side explosion. The Clayton steam generator is simply the safest steam boiler on the market.  LESS WATER WASTE Clayton’s design concentrates TDS blow down significantly which reduces wasted fuel, water and chemical costs.  FAST START Full steam pressure and output in minutes from a cold start- up saves fuel and labor cost over conventional designs. Eliminates wasted fuel from idling.  AUTOMATIC Operation is automatically controlled and the Clayton steam generator can be started from a single switch or remotely using an automatic start option.  LOW WEIGHT The relatively light weight means that all sizes of Clayton steam generators can be easily moved and installed even in areas with limited structural support.  RELIABLE Reliability of the Clayton steam generator is field proven and unsurpassed. This results in greatly reduced mainte- nance and attendance.  HIGH QUALITY STEAM Steam Quality in excess of 99.5% dry is assured at all times. This is the highest steam quality of any competitive design. Less water and impurities further increase your energy effi- ciency .





MODEL SF50-FMB with Low NOx FMB Burner


with Super Economizer with Low NOx FMB Burner and Super Economizer



NA 50

NA 50


1,673,750 2,041,159 2,016,566

1,673,750 1,969,118 1,946,221

Oil Gas

1,673,750 2,066,358

1,673,750 1,969,118

NET HEAT OUTPUT, BTU/hr EQUIVALENT OUTPUT (from and at 212°F feedwater and 0 PSIG steam) DESIGN PRESSURE (see note 1) STEAM OPERATING PRESSURE (determined by design pressure) OIL CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 2) GAS CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 3) BURNER CONTROLS step fired modulating (see note 4) EFFICIENCY oil-fired efficiency % gas-fired efficiency % ELECTRIC MOTORS, HP (see note 5) ELECTRIC FLA, based on 460 V (see note 6) design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig GAS SUPPLY REQUIRED AIR SUPPLY REQUIRED (FMB - see note 7) WATER SUPPLY REQUIRED HEATING SURFACE EXHAUST STACK CONNECTION, o.d. APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIMENSIONS length width height WEIGHT installed - wet shipping design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 1,725 lbs/hr

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 1,725 lbs/hr

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 1,725 lbs/hr

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 1,725 lbs/hr

14.3 gph

13.8 gph



2,041 cfh

1,969 cfh

2,066 cfh

1,969 cfh

5 to 1 Turndown 100% / 50% / Off

5 to 1 Turndown 100% / 50% / Off



N/A 81% 3 Blower Pump Cooling Blower Pump Cooling N/A 85% 4 to 1 Turndown 4 to 1 Turndown

83% 82%

86% 85%


Pump Blower


5 5

3 2

3 3

5 5

3 2

3 3

2 3

3 3

2 3


13 11

13 11





2.0 psig

2.0 psig

5 scfm @ 3 to 150 psig 5 scfm @ 3 to 150 psig 2.0 psig 2.0 psig



265 gph 106 sq.ft.

265 gph 145 sq.ft.

265 gph 106 sq.ft.

265 gph 145 sq.ft.

12 in.

12 in.

12 in.

12 in.

66 in. 75 in. 63 in.

66 in. 86 in. 63 in.

66 in. 75 in. 63 in.

66 in. 86 in. 63 in.

3,842 lbs 3,700 lbs

4,113 lbs 3,930 lbs

3,842 lbs 3,700 lbs

4,113 lbs 3,930 lbs

1) Design pressures are available up to 3000 psig. Consult factory for details. 2) Based on No. 2 fuel oil with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 140,600 BTU/Gal. 3) Based on Natural Gas with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 1,000 BTU/Ft.³ 4) On dual fuel units only gas fired is modulating, oil fired is step fired. Switching fuels requires a manual change of burners 5) Oil fired units also use a separate motor driven fuel oil pump - 1/2 HP 6) Continuous running. For 575 V multiply by 0.8; for 380 V multiply by 1.1; for 230 V multiply by 2.0; for 208 V multiply by 2.2. 7) Compressed air required for FMB only. The description and specifications shown were in effect at the time this publication was approved for printing. Clayton Industries, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models, or change specifications or design, without notice.

G-SF50 - 7/16

Specifications Advanced Steam Boiler Technology that is Safe, Efficient and Reliable

S A V E S F U E L * S A V E S S P A C E * S A V E S T I M E * S A V E S M O N E Y



 COMPACT SIZE Clayton steam generators will normally fit in any available area while also reducing construction costs on new building installations.  FUEL EFFICIENT High efficiency which is inherent with the clayton design translates into lower operating costs and improved overall system operation  RESPONSIVE Very rapid response to changing steam loads. Clayton steam generator will automatically modulate to match your steam load profile while maintaining system steam pressure  SAFE Our once through design eliminates the possibility of a steam or water side explosion. The Clayton steam generator is simply the safest steam boiler on the market.  LESS WATER WASTE Clayton’s design concentrates TDS blow down significantly which reduces wasted fuel, water and chemical costs.  FAST START Full steam pressure and output in minutes from a cold start- up saves fuel and labor cost over conventional designs. Eliminates wasted fuel from idling.  AUTOMATIC Operation is automatically controlled and the Clayton steam generator can be started from a single switch or remotely using an automatic start option.  LOW WEIGHT The relatively light weight means that all sizes of Clayton steam generators can be easily moved and installed even in areas with limited structural support.  RELIABLE Reliability of the Clayton steam generator is field proven and unsurpassed. This results in greatly reduced mainte- nance and attendance.  HIGH QUALITY STEAM Steam Quality in excess of 99.5% dry is assured at all times. This is the highest steam quality of any competitive design. Less water and impurities further increase your energy effi- ciency .





MODEL SF75-FMB with Low NOx FMB Burner


with Super Economizer with Low NOx FMB Burner and Super Economizer




75 NA

75 NA

Oil Gas

3,024,849 3,061,738 2,510,625

2,919,331 2,953,676 2,510,625

3,099,537 2,510,625

2,953,676 2,510,625

NET HEAT OUTPUT, BTU/hr EQUIVALENT OUTPUT (from and at 212°F feedwater and 0 PSIG steam) DESIGN PRESSURE (see note 1) STEAM OPERATING PRESSURE (determined by design pressure) OIL CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 2) GAS CONSUMPTION at maximum steam output (see note 3) BURNER CONTROLS step fired modulating (see note 4) EFFICIENCY oil-fired efficiency % gas-fired efficiency % ELECTRIC MOTORS, HP (see note 5) ELECTRIC FLA, based on 460 V (see note 6) design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig GAS SUPPLY PRESSURE REQUIRED AIR SUPPLY REQUIRED (FMB - see note 7) WATER SUPPLY REQUIRED HEATING SURFACE EXHAUST STACK CONNECTION, o.d. APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIMENSIONS length width height WEIGHT installed - wet shipping design pressure 15-300 psig design pressure 301-500 psig

2,587 lbs/hr 15 - 500 psig 13 - 450 psig 21.5 gph

2,587 lbs/hr 15 - 500 psig 13 - 450 psig

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 2,587 lbs/hr

13 - 450 psig 15 - 500 psig 2,587 lbs/hr

20.8 gph



3,062 cfh

2,954 cfh

3,100 cfh

2,954 cfh

5 to 1 Turndown 100% / 50% / Off

5 to 1 Turndown 100% / 50% / Off



4 to 1 Turndown

4 to 1 Turndown

83% 82%

86% 85%

NA 81%

NA 85%

Blower Pump Cooling Blower Pump Cooling 7.5 3 3 7.5 3 3 7.5 5 3 7.5 5 3


Pump Blower


5 5

3 5

5 5

3 5

17 20

17 20

28.4 25.3

28.4 25.3

2 psig

2 psig

2 psig

2 psig



5 scfm @ 3 to 150 psig 5 scfm @ 3 to 150 psig

398 gph 145 sq.ft.

398 gph 184 sq.ft.

398 gph 145 sq.ft.

398 gph 184 sq.ft.

12 in.

12 in.

12 in.

12 in.

63 in. 68 in. 86 in.

63 in. 68 in. 98 in.

63 in. 68 in. 86 in.

63 in. 68 in. 98 in.

3,983 lbs 3,800 lbs

4,255 lbs 4,030 lbs

3,983 lbs 3,800 lbs

4,255 lbs 4,030 lbs

1) Design pressure available up to 3000 psig. Consult factory for details. 2) Based on No. 2 fuel oil with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 140,600 BTU/Gal. 3) Based on Natural Gas with a High Heat Value (HHV) of 1,000 BTU/Ft.³ 4) On dual fuel units only gas fired is modulating, oil fired is step fired. Switching fuels requires a manual change of burners 5) Oil fired units also use a separate motor driven fuel oil pump - 1/2 HP 6) Continuous running. For 575 V multiply by 0.8; for 380 V multiply by 1.1; for 230 V multiply by 2.0; for 208 V multiply by 2.2. 7) Compressed air required for FMB only. The description and specifications shown were in effect at the time this publication was approved for printing. Clayton Industries, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models, or change specifications or design, without notice.


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