Bulletin 271 vibration in condensate tanks

What is an inductor tube?

The inductor tube is designed with a series of holes along the tube. The condensate return in the tank will mix with the cooler surrounding water in the tank without undue turbulence. High temperature condensate or steam released into a water tank without an inducer tube will cause a fairly violent reaction and considerable noise and vibration. The steam trap and preheat line must be installed in an inducer tube. The inductor must be installed so that the holes are horizontal. If the holes point upward, the discharge from the holes can pass through the water surface of the tank. This action will tend to aerate the water, requiring the use of excessive amounts of oxygen scavenger. Vibration generated as a result of a missing or incorrectly installed inducer tube can cause the tank and associated pipes to move and even rupture pipes if severe enough.

Another detail: installing too many pipes to the same condensate inlet will generate a torque moment greater than calculated, cracking the tank and causing damage to operating personnel.

The Clayton inductor tube is stamped "XX" on the outside of the tubing connection. "XX" should be at the 12 o'clock position facing up when installed.

XX for position of the inducer tube in the tank

assembled inductor tube

Arrangement of 2 inductor tubes in condensate tank

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