2000 Hook-up Book

How to Use This Book

Selection of the most appropriate type and size of control valves, steam traps and other fluid control valves, steam traps and other fluid control equip ment, and installation in a hook up enabling these components of a system to operate in an optimal manner, all bear directly on the efficiency and econ omy obtainable in any plant or system. To help make the best choice, we have assembled into this book the accumulation of over 85 years of experience with energy services in industrial and commercial use. The hook ups illustrated have all been proven in practice, and the reference informa tion included is that which we use ourselves when assisting customers choose and use our products. The Case in Action stories dispersed throughout this book are actual applications put to the test by steam users throughout the country. Their stories are testi monials to the products and services Spirax Sarco offers and the benefits they have received from uti lizing our knowledge and services.

The Hook Up Book is divided into three sections: Section I is a compilation of engineering data and information to assist in estimating loads and flow rates, the basic parameters which enable the best choice when selecting sizes. Section II illustrates how the services and control equipment can be assembled into hook ups to best meet the particular needs of each application. Section III is a summary of the range of Spirax Sarco equipment utilized in the hook ups. Although it is not a complete catalog of the entire range, it does describe generically the capabilities and limi tations which must be remembered when making proper product choices. Most application problems will be approached in the same order. Section I will enable the load informa tion to be collected and the calculations made so that sizing can be carried out; Section II will make sure that the essentials of the hook up, or combina tion of hook ups, are not overlooked; and Section III will serve as a guide to the complete equipment cat alog so that the most suitable equipment can readily be selected. The Hook Up Book is intended to serve as a refer ence for those actively engaged in the design, operation and maintenance of steam, air and liquid systems. It is also intended as a learning tool to teach engineers how to design productive steam systems, efficiently and cost effectively. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable contribu tions made by our field engineers, representatives, application engineers, and customers to the body of accumulated experience contained in this text.


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