2000 Hook-up Book
Product Information
Condensate Recovery
• Pressure Powered Pumps ™
• Packaged Pressure Powered Pumps ™
• High Capacity Pressure Powered Pump ™ • Electric Pumps Spirax Sarco offers the solutions to maintaining efficiency in all areas of condensate recovery. For the total system solution, Spirax Sarco’s non-electric pumps drain and return condensate and other liquids from vacuum systems, condensers, turbines, or any other steam condensing equipment. The Pressure Powered Pump ™ can handle liquids from 0.65 to 1.0 specific gravity and capac ities up to 39,000 lb/hr. Available in cast iron or fabricated steel (ASME code stamped) with stainless steel internals and bronze or stainless steel check valves, the rugged body allows a maximum pressure of 125-300 psig and a max imum temperature of 450˚F. This system solution saves energy and provides optimum system efficiency with low maintenance. For easy installation, Pressure Powered Pump ™ packaged units are pre piped and combine any Pressure Powered Pump ™ , up to 3" x 2" with a receiver. Spirax Sarco’s electric pumps are packaged units completely assembled, wired and tested. Electric condensate return pumps are available in simplex units with an integral float switch or a mechanical alternator on the duplex units.
• Automatic Control Valves • Direct Operated Temperature Regulators • Direct Operated Pressure Regulators • Pilot Operated Temperature Regulators • Pilot Operated Pressure Regulators • Safety Valves Controls & Regulators
Maximum productivity requires delivering the steam at its most energy efficient pressure and temperature resulting in optimum energy usage, and a safe, comfortable environment. Spirax Sarco has a complete range of controls to efficiently provide the right heat transfer for any process or heating application. Ranging in sizes from 1/2" to 6", operating pressures up to 600 psi, and capacities up to 100,000 lb/hr, the complete range of controls and regulators provide steam system solutions industry wide. Available in iron, steel, stainless steel, and bronze, Spirax Sarco controls and regulators are suitable for virtually all control applications.
Rotary Filters
• Type VRS-2 Motor-Operated Rotary Filter
• Model VRS Control Panel
• Type VRS-2 Hand-Operated Rotary Filter Filtration of foreign matter from fluids is an industry problem and Spirax Sarco has the ultimate products to provide a cost effective solution. The model VRS-2 Rotary Filter provides an automatic self-cleaning filtration system designed to meet today’s industrial requirements. The unique design of the VRS-2 provides a way to maintain a clean filter element with no interruption of flow or pressure drop, alleviating maintenance and downtown, and increasing productivity and profitability. The VRS-2 offers numerous advantages, allowing filtration of virtually any fluid in an environmentally safe and economical way. The VRS-2 Rotary Filter is available in cast iron, steel, and stainless steel, with NPT, socket weld, and ANSI flanged connections, stainless steel internals with retention range of 3/4" perf to 75 micron and sizes ranging from 3/4" to 12" with flow rates to 5,000 GPM liquid capacity. The VRS-2 Control Panel provides a fully automatic system to operate all functions of the motorized rotary filter product line.
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