2000 Hook-up Book

a Reboiler Float & Thermostatic Steam Trap Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Air Vent Strainer Condensate Return Drain to Safe Place Thermo Dynamic Steam Trap Vented Receiver Return Line Pressure Gauge Condensate Return Main Motive Supply Strainer Pressure Powered Pump Vent to Atmosphere Filling Head Total Lift “H”

Figure II-62 Draining High Pressure Reboiler

Steam Supply



Thermo Dynamic Steam Trap

Figure II-63 Draining Condensate to Vented Receiver and Lifting Condensate to Overhead Return Main

Steam Space

Float & Thermostatic Steam Trap


Spira-tec Loss Detector

Total back pressure is the height (H) in feet x .0433 plus PSIG in return line, plus downstream piping friction pressure drop in PSI (Determined by the maximum instantaneous dis charge rate of the selected pump.)



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